Welcome to RoboSoccer!

This site contains instructions for how to build and program a basic soccer robot. After you have built the basic robot, you can use your knowledge and skills to customize the robot either in physical design or programming design (or ideally, both).

Best of luck and Happy Robot Building!

Kuri DiFede

1. Build the Chassis




Soldering is the process of heating and cooling metal to join together components. To create the SoccerBot, we will use solder to connect electrical wires and other components. When soldering, we will be heating up metal to very high temperatures, so it is important to be careful for your safety.

If you’re new to soldering, you may want to visit the Instructable How to Solder.

Soldering the Motors ->


In this section we will be connecting the components of the robot using screws, nuts, bolts, and standoffs.  When making connections, always secure screws loosely at first, and tighten only after all screws are placed (for each step).

Once you begin running your robot, the vibrations from motors and other components may loosen your connections.  It is a necessary to check and tighten connections periodically.

Attaching the Motors ->

Adding Electronics

In this chapter we will add the brain of the robot, and Arduino.  We will also add a motor shield to control movement and connect all of the wires to make the robot functional.

Arduino is both a micro-controller and a programming language.  The Arduino micro-controller that we are using is the Arduino Uno, and the motor shield we are using is the Adafruit MotorShield

Arduino Uno ->